About ICT-Norway

ICT-Norway is an independent member organization for companies within the digital tech sector. Our members are large and small companies from various digital industries both across Norway and global, with a common business-idea in technology and digital solutions.

ICT-Norway is an independent member organization for companies within the digital tech sector. Our members are large and small companies from various digital industries both across Norway and global, with a common business-idea in technology and digital solutions. ICT-Norway offers Norway’s largest network across the digital industry.

Our overall goals are to ensure better and predictable framework conditions for our members, a well-functioning market with a clear division of roles between the public and private sectors, and a legal and regulatory framework that is adapted to digital services and companies. We promote and further develop the tech market and conditions for digital enterprises. We work with topics such as competence, sustainability, digital infrastructure, cybersecurity, privacy, regulatory matters and general business, tax and levy policy.


What do we do?

ICT-Norway works with a number of issues that concern our members and cause challenges for their business. Both general framework conditions for the entire industry, and very specific questions that could be difficult or challenging for an individual company to address alone.

On behalf of, and often together with, our members, we facilitate meetings or/and contact with relevant political and administrative authorities at both local and national level. We have a wide range of expertise related to political decision-making processes. We prepare consultation input for current political matters and processes that concern our members, primarily aimed at the government and the Parliament (Stortinget). We produce various reports and analyzes and carry out relevant surveys among our members.

We collaborate internationally with similar organizations such as ICT-Norway, mainly TechSverige in Sweden and IT-Branchen in Denmark. We do facilitate events/visits to other countries for our members to seek collaboration partners and new or expanded business areas.

We arrange conferences, webinars and input meetings on current topics and issues. Among other things, we have arrangements (permanent premises, production, debate management etc.) during the entire Arendal Week, the largest political gathering in Norway, mid-august each year, that we offer our members.

We have various meeting places and forums for our members where we exchange experience and discuss current challenges that are more specific to different segments of our members. Examples of such forums are within FinTech, EdTech, Telecom, e-Health, datacentres, sustainability etc.

We have our own newsletter which is published 3-4 times per month. You can sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of this page, and read the latest issue here (unfortunately only in Norwegian).


The organization

ICT-Norway is a member organization, primarily for commercial companies. Self-employed individuals, foundations and other institutions that are suppliers of services or products connected to ICT, tech and digital industries are also allowed as members. ICT-Norway has its own board with a chairman and 7 other members. The board consists of representatives from the member companies and is elected by the annual general meeting. No members are allowed to have more than one member on the board.


Member benefits

ICT-Norway is not an employers’ association. We are completely independent of the trade unions or employers organizations. Membership in ICT-Norway does not trigger requirements for a collective agreement.

We offer our members legal advice and employer services. We have cooperation agreements with several of the best in the area.

It could be profitable to be a member of ICT-Norge. Your company gets access to our reports and analyses. Members get a 50% discount on our standard agreements (both in Norwegian and English). In addition, your company can save between 25-40% on our insurance contracts. This applies to occupational injury insurance, pension insurance and health insurance.



The membership-fees vary according to the size of your company and the annual turnover. 


The membership fee and service fee are determined by ICT-Norway’s general assembly. The service fee is possible to expense in the annual accounts.